V.P. (Valentin) Perruchoud

V.P. (Valentin) Perruchoud



I graduated in 2021 at EPFL (Switzerland) with a Master in Civil Engineering specialized in Structural Engineering including a 6 months internship in the geotechnical group of a swiss engineering firm. My master Thesis focused on the challenges of bulk epoxy adhesive mechanical testing in particular regarding the issue of failure in the clamping area. After graduation, I worked for 6 months as a transportation engineer on railway projects in Switzerland and finally started a PhD at TU Delft in May 2022 in the Biobased Materials and Structures group of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences.


Flax fibre reinforced polymer (FFRP) is a composite material presenting great strength stiffness while being lightweight. This material also presents environmental benefits thanks to its natural fibres and low manufacturing energy . Therefore, FFRP is a good candidate to replace glass FRP composite in certain applications and reduce the environmental impact of engineering structures. However, the use of a non-inert fibre raises a lot of questions about the behavior of structures in time. My research focuses on the combined effects of hygrothermal and mechanical loads applied to FFRP composite materials that have to be understood for the design of safe and durable structures. 

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