Dr. V.L. Markine

Dr. V.L. Markine



Valéri Markine [vʌˈlʲeɾʲij ˈmʌɾkʲɪn] obtained his Diploma in Mechanics in 1991 from Gorky State University, Gorky (now Nizhniy Novgorod), USSR.
He obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Delft University of Technology (1999). The title of his PhD thesis was ‘Optimization of the Dynamic Behaviour of Mechanical Systems’. In 1998 he has joined the Section of Road and Railway Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering of TU Delft.
He was a Visiting Research Fellow of European Commission Center of Excellence of Advanced Materials and Structures (AMAS), Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland (2002) and at University of Bradford, United Kingdom (2002).
At present he works as an Associate Professor at the Section of Railway Engineering.


Completed projects 
  • Optimisation of the dynamic behaviour of turnouts (PhD candidate C. Wan)
  • Analysis and optimisation of long-term behaviour of turnouts (PhD candidate L. Xin)
  • Optimisation of transition track structures for high-speed lines (PhD candidate H. Wang)
  • Structural health monitoring system for railway turnouts (PhD candidate X. Liu)
  • Wheel/rail interface probabilistic optimization based on fatigue life prediction (PhD candidate Y. Ma)
  • Application of new materials and elements to railway ballasted track for performance improvement. (PhD candidate Y. Guo)  
Current projects
  • IN2ZONE (EU) - new generation go track for transition zones. WP leader. www.in2zone.eu
  • Sustainable development of railway ballast track And the optimizing of DEM model. (CSC/TUD, PhD candidate W. Jia)
  • Decision support system for S&C. (ProRail/TUD, PhD candidate J. Wegdam)
  • Modular design of railway crossings (ProRail/TUD). Started in 2020. To be completed in 2022.
  • Performance improvement of transition zones (ProRail/TUD, PDEng candidate M. Carvalho). 
  • Decision support system for assessment of railway track quality (Fugro/TUD, PDEng candidate K. El Laham. 


Railway Engineering
   - Vehicle and track dynamics
   - ballast and slab tracks    - Track stability     - Wheel-rail interface 
Design optimization, parameter identification
Computational mechanics

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Ancillary activities