Prof.dr. T.A.P. (Tamara) Metze

Prof.dr. T.A.P. (Tamara) Metze


Tamara Metze (1972) is full professor in Public Administration at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at Delft University of Technology. Trained in Political Science and Science and Technology Studies (both ‘cum laude’), with a PhD from the University of Amsterdam in Public Administration. Metze is an experienced projectleader of transdisciplinary projects in which is experimented with boundary crossing collaborations  for the governance of sustainability transitions (e.g. energy, food and the circular economy). In her research there is a special focus on the role of boundary objects, (visual) framing, conflict, and on knowledge cocreation through research by design and scenario development. She has extensive experience in the coordination of and lecturing in courses on interdisciplinary research, on framing, discourse theory, political theory, innovative designs, and the energy transition. Metze is co-editor of Beleid en Maatschappij (Policy and Society). She is member of the college of the International Public Policy Association, and on the editorial board of Critical Policy Studies. She is Principal Investigator of the Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.

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