Ir. N. Lin

Ir. N. Lin



I am a PhD candidate supervised by Dr. P. P. Vergara Barrios in IEPG Group at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the Netherlands. In Aug. 2022, I received my M. Sc. Degree in Electrical Engineering also from TU Delft, in the Signal Processing Systems (formerly known as Circuits and Systems) Group under the supervision of dr. ir. Justin Dauwels and dr. Hadi Jamali-Rad. 
My research interests are in machine learning from a statistical or probabilistic perspective. More specifically, I am interested in Bayesian learning, copula models, deep generative models, transfer learning, and machine learning with graphs. Currently, I am focusing on applications in power and heating systems.

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  • 2024


    Power flow approximation using message passing Graph Neural Networks
    Nan Lin / Stavros Orfanoudakis / Nathan Ordonez Cardenas / Juan S. Giraldo / Pedro P. Vergara

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