M.J. (Martijn) Wiarda

M.J. (Martijn) Wiarda



Martijn's research centres around Responsible Innovation and Mission Governance. In particular, he is interested in the ways and extent to which mission-oriented innovation policy promotes or inhibits responsible innovation. The governance of mission-oriented innovation largely determines this, and as such, Martijn studies how inclusive, anticipatory, reflexive, and responsive the governance processes surrounding mission-oriented innovation are. Some key questions that he works: who is included and excluded in mission-oriented innovation?; how are possible, probable, and desirable impacts of missions defined, foreseen, and evaluated?; how should conflicting ideas surrounding missions be navigated and reflected upon?; and how can policymakers align and converge values and worldviews of stakeholders?


Martijn Wiarda is a PostDoc Researcher in Responsible Innovation and Mission Governance at the section of Economics of Technology and Innovation. He obtained degrees in Mechanical Engineering (BSc, 2016), Innovation Sciences (MSc, 2019), and received his PhD (2020-2023, cum laude) for his dissertation on Responsible Innovation for Wicked Societal Challenges. He has worked on several research projects, including the H2020 projects 'Co-Change' and 'Pro-Ethics'.

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