Dr. M.H. (Monique) Arkesteijn

Dr. M.H. (Monique) Arkesteijn


CRE strategies and alignment

One of the long-standing issues in the field of corporate real estate management is the alignment of an organization’s real estate to its corporate strategy. Our department of MBE teaches and researches CRE strategies and alignment since 1993. We use the tool of scenario planning to test and design real estate strategies.  Together with my colleagues the reader Designing an Accommodation Strategy was published in 2009; the DAS frame is helpful in CRE alignment. Chris Heywood from the University of Melbourne and I work compared CRE alignment models in theory and together with graduate students Lisa Kuijpers and Tine Nientker studied CRE alignment in practice. Main publications in this project are: 

Campus Research Team

In 2008, the Building of the Faculty of Architecture burned down, as a consequence our department helped the university to rethink their campus vision. Three main projects resulted from this: Coordinator of both the Campus vision 2030 TU Delft (2009 – 2010) and theThink tank "Envisioning the Faculty of the Future’ (2008-2009) including the exhibition Building for Bouwkunde at the Netherlands Architecture Institute Rotterdam (2009).

Since 2016, Monique is co-chair of the campus research team which she heads together with prof. Alexandra den Heijer.

Our latest publication

Corporate Real Estate alignment

PhD project: Corporate Real Estate Alignment, a Preference based-Accommodation Strategy (PAS) design and decision approach

One of the long-standing issues in corporate real estate (CRE) management is the alignment of an organization’s real estate to its corporate strategy. In the last thirty years, fourteen CRE alignment models have been developed. In these models the objective is to become ‘more aligned’ and in some of them the target is maximum or optimum added value. Extensive research into these models provided valuable insights into building blocks, components and variables that are needed in the alignment process. But these models fall short in two ways. Most models pay little to no attention (1) to the design of new CRE portfolios and (2) to the selection of a new CRE portfolio that adds most value to the organization.

With the development of this new PAS approach, this research addresses the deficiencies of previous alignment models that either place too much emphasis on financial measures or lack clarity in decision making due to the difficulties of quantifying the intangible and subjective. The main research question is:

How can the PAS design and decision approach successfully be developed and used on corporate real estate portfolio level in order to enhance CRE alignment?

The originality of this research lies in two main novelties. Firstly, by defining value as technically equivalent to preference. Secondly, by using a design and decision approach for the alignment problem. The applied Preference-Based Design procedure enables stakeholders to design and select alternative CRE portfolios. By doing so, stakeholders are able to determine the added value of new CRE portfolios. PAS is tested successfully and evaluated positively in three pilot studies. 

The Faculty published an article about the research on their website.  You can find the dissertation here.

Journal or book chapter publications in this project are: 


Making value defensible to create a better built environments is my mission.

I am specialised in Corporate Real Estate (CRE) alignment. CRE is different from commercial real estate, which focuses on return on investment (supply side); whereas CRE supports the primary process (demand side). A long-standing issue in CRE is the alignment of an organization’s real estate to its corporate strategy, where many opt for optimum added value. In CRE decision making, traditionally there is a strong financial focus, thus making other non-financial value indefensible. In my work I am using the stakeholder approach, taking into account all values both financial, objective and subjective, intangible values, and combining them in a new single-valued objective function. The innovative Preference-based Accommodation Strategy approach (PAS) that I developed in my PhD made value defensible by redefining value as technically equivalent to preference and using a design and decision approach for the alignment problem.  PAS is a major improvement to CRE alignment because stakeholders’ values are integrated explicitly in the algorithm and separate from the objective measurements (as CO2 emission or m2). and thereby creating the best (working) environment for people. 

My work family besides MBE TU Delft is CoreNet Global, in which I am proudly served on the Global Board.

You can also find me on linked-in or twitter or research gate or orcid

CoreNet Global

CoreNet Global is the world’s leading association for corporate real estate (CRE). Almost 10.000 members, who include 70% of the Fortune 100, meet locally, globally and virtually to develop networks, share knowledge, learn and thrive professionally. CoreNet Global's mission is to advance the effectiveness of Corporate Real Estate professionals and the entire industry engaged in delivering value to corporations through the strategic management of corporate real estate and workplace resources. Monique has been a board director of CoreNet Global (2015 – 2019)’s activities for CoreNet Global are amongst others:

  • Jury Academic Challenge CoreNet Global (2016-2017)
  • Chairwoman CoreNet Global chapter Benelux (2011 - 2014) 
  • Board member CoreNet Global chapter Benelux (2007 – 2010);
  • Jury Winning Workplace award Jones Lang LaSalle (2013) 
  • Jury award ‘More return on Governmental Real Estate’ Of the Governmental Building Agency (2013).
  • Member of the Program committees of the CoreNet Global EMEA summits in Paris (2011) London (2012), Amsterdam (2013)
  • Steering committee Convenant Action program office vacancy
  • Steering committee research with Facility Management Netherlands ‘What does the user want?
  • Jury chairwoman student award of the CoreNet Global chapter Benelux (2007  - 2017)


Outstanding paper award 2016 from the Journal of Corporate Real Estate

Highly commended paper award 2019 from the Journal of Corporate Real Estate


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