M.E. (Mario) Castro Gama

M.E. (Mario) Castro Gama


Mario Castro Gama is a Civil Engineer form the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He has an MSc in Water Science Engineering - Hydroinformatics from IHE Delft. Currently, he is a PhD research fellow in Chair Group of Hydroinformatics of IWSG Department, supervised by Prof. Andreja Jonoski. His promotor is Prof. Dimitri P. Solomatine. He started his PhD involved in an EU-FP7 project on ICT Solutions for Efficient Water Resources Management (ICeWater). Between 2018 and 2021, worked as a Scientific Researcher at KWR Water Research Institute. Since 2021, working as senior Infrastructure Specialist at Vitens N.V. the largest drinking water company of The Netherlands, as part of the Water Expertise Center. LINK

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