Ir. K.B. (Koen) Mulder

Ir. K.B. (Koen) Mulder



I studied architecture and building technology at TU Delft and, after twelve years of working as an architect at Van Sambeek en Van Veen, Groosman Partners and HP Architects, returned as a teacher in 2012. I teach building technology, architecture and 'form studies' and I am a member of the Design of Construction chair of the AE+T department. I am a coordinator and specialist for various bachelor's and master's courses.

Between 2011 and 2016 I wrote the book Het Zinderend Oppervlak (The Thrilling Surface) about masonry as pattern art and composition tool, which appeared in German in 2018 as Die Beschwingte Fläche. The first idea for this book arose during the HP architects' project Flinck & Steen, housing at three locations in De Pijp in Amsterdam for the Ymere housing cooperation. For the first time, we investigated how the rhythms and dimensional system of special masonry bonds could serve as a composition system for the facade design. I am now also doing research into dry stacking systems in brick, nature-inclusive (quay) walls, and my students have been designing the project for the annual NK bricklaying for 5 years in a row.

So I feel comfortable with the Mr. Brick's title at this faculty. I live nearby in Delft, really close to the house and studio of the late artist Jan Schoonhoven - probably no coincidence.

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