Dr. J. (Jieun) Yang

Dr. J. (Jieun) Yang


Dr. Jieun Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Mechatronic System Design (MSD) section at the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME) at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Her research focuses on developing metamaterials for the control of sound and vibration. More information can be found in her personal website.

Research interests

Noise and vibration can be detrimental to the performance and life of mechatronics systems, as well as to the comfort of people. For instance, the performance of modern semiconductor manufacturing equipment that requires nanometer accuracy can be easily deteriorated by small external disturbances induced by vibration or acoustic excitation. Additionally, noise from an MRI machine can easily reach a noise level comparable to aircraft noise, leading to an unpleasant experience for patients.

Our research aims to address tackle these challenges posed by noise and vibration through the development of innovative metamaterial solutions. Metamaterials are engineered structures designed to exhibit exceptional properties rarely found in nature. Acoustic and vibroacoustic metamaterials offer the capability to control, manipulate, and harness acoustic waves and vibrations in unprecedented ways. We concentrate on developing fundamental mechanisms and analysis methods that can be ultimately applied across various mechatronics sectors.

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Academic background

Dr. Jieun Yang received Bachelor's and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National University in 2010 and 2016, respectively. After her PhD, she worked at the Mechatronics R&D Center of Samsung Electronics as a senior engineer during 2016-2018.

In 2019, she joined the Department of the Built Environment at the Eindhoven University of Technology where she worked as a postdoc (2019-2020) and an assistant professor (2021-2022). In July 2023, she joined the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering at the Delft University of Technology as an assistant professor.

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