J.W.G. (Jan-Willem) van de Kuilen J.W.G. (Jan-Willem) van de Kuilen


Prof. van de Kuilen’s (b. 1965) research areas are wood science, technology and engineering, especially related to the built environment.
After studying civil engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands, Prof. Van de Kuilen became a research assistant at the Netherlands Institute for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). His research area was the use of timber in the construction industry. He worked on his doctorate part-time at TU Delft, with a thesis on duration of load effects in timber joints under mechanical-physical loading conditions. From 2000, he conducted research into timber structures and wood technology at TU Delft. From 2003 to 2007, he worked at the Trees and Timber Institute CNR-Ivalsa (Now IBE) in Italy. Since 2009, he has been Chair of Wood Technology at Technical University of Munich, with a part-time position at the Biobased Structures and Materials group in Delft. He is Co-Editor in chief of Wood Sciece and Technology and the European Journal of Wood and Wood Products and holds the Coordinating Council Secretariat of the World Conference on Timber Engineering.



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