Dr.ir. J. (Judith) Bosboom
Dr.ir. J. (Judith) Bosboom
Academic background
Judith Bosboom is a Senior Lecturer in the Hydraulic Engineering Department. She holds MSc and PhD degrees from Delft University of Technology in the field of coastal and hydraulic engineering and sciences. She has been professionally active in research, advise and teaching since 1995. Initially, she combined her academic research on nearshore hydrodynamics and sediment transport with advisory projects at the Netherlands-based, not-for-profit institute Delft Hydraulics (presently Deltares). In 2000, she decided to broaden her horizon and successfully continued her career as a management consultant and project manager. In this capacity, she — among other things — developed and delivered corporate training and coaching programs.
In 2007, Judith accepted an invitation — by the Department of Hydraulic Engineering of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of Delft University of Technology — to return to her earlier academic career. She was invited to redesign and update the three existing coastal MSc courses of in total 11 European credits. She transformed and extended the original course material, resulting into two new, highly central courses, viz. Coastal Dynamics I and Coastal Dynamics II. While responsible for both courses, she especially developed innovative teaching and examination methods for Coastal Dynamics I.
In 2021, Judith has made the Coastal Dynamics lecture notes “open access” as a service to the national and international student communities. This Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook has become a popular resource in the coastal community, evident from the fact that it has been downloaded over 20,000 times from at least 46 countries in less than four years. At present, she is guiding the development of Jupyter Notebooks and Quizzes to add interactivity to the Open Textbook.
Judith continues to teach in the MSc Hydraulic Engineering in both Coastal and Estuarine Systems (the new name of Coastal Dynamics 1) and a recent advanced module for Coastal Engineering students (which Coastal Dynamics 2 is now part of). Besides, she currently teaches Dynamics in the BSc Civil Engineering.
Her clear and enthusiastic teaching is greatly appreciated by students, evident from the fact that she received awards for “best lecturer in the MSc Hydraulic Engineering” in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022 and 2023. In 2016, this naturally culminated in both the best lecturer award for the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences and the best lecturer award for Delft University of Technology.
While working at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Judith pursued a professional education in photography. In 2009, she obtained a BSc level degree from the Photo Academy in Amsterdam, with a specialization in architectural photography. In 2011, Judith decided to start a PhD study, tackling an issue that has intrigued her since her work at Delft Hydraulics in the nineties, viz. the quantification of the quality of coastal morphological predictions of numerical models simulating field observations or laboratory experiments. She defended successfully on January 16, 2020.
Her PhD thesis investigates the behaviour of the widely used mean-squared-error skill score with the initial bed as the reference, which goes by the name Brier skill score and presents three novel validation methods and corresponding error metrics that take the spatial structure of morphological patterns into account: 1) a field deformation or warping method, which deforms the predictions as to minimize the misfit with observations; 2) an optimal transport method, which moves misplaced sediment from the predicted to the observed morphology through an optimal, rotation-free sediment transport field; and 3) a scale-selective validation approach, which allows any metric to selectively address multiple spatial scales.
Repeatability of beach morphology change under identical wave forcing
Chris E. Blenkinsopp / Alan J. Hunter / Tom E. Baldock / Paul M. Bayle / Judith Bosboom / Daniel Conley / Gerd Masselink
Coastal Dynamics
J. Bosboom / M.J.F. Stive
Marine sediment transport
Sierd de Vries / Meagan Wengrove / Judith Bosboom
Optimal sediment transport for morphodynamic model validation
J. Bosboom / M. Mol / A. J.H.M. Reniers / M. J.F. Stive / C. F. de Valk
Quantifying the quality of coastal morphological predictions
Judith Bosboom
OESF projects completed in 2023: the Coastal Dynamics Open Codebook
Appeared in: TU Delft
Open Textbook: Enabling the continual transformation of coastal dynamics education
Appeared in: The Educator
Interview met Judith Bosboom
Appeared in: Extract
"Learning rather than scoring"
Appeared in: TU Delft Portraits of Science
"Leren en scoren moet je scheiden"
Appeared in: Delta
#1 Best Educator of Hydraulic Engineering Track Civil Engineering Master 2023
#2 Best Teacher of Hydraulic Engineering 2022
#1 Best Teacher of Hydraulic Engineering 2019
At the Teacher of the Year Elections of Civil Engineering in the academic year 2018/2019, Judith Bosboom has been elected #1 Best Teacher of Hydraulic Engineering
Best teacher of Civil Engineering of MSc Hydraulic Engineering 2017
In the Teacher of the Year election of Civil Engineering in the academic year 2016/2017, Judith Bosboom has been elected Best Teacher of Civil Engineering of MSc Hydraulic Engineering (1st Place)
Best Lecturer TU Delft 2016
Judith Bosboom (CEG) was presented with the award for Best Lecturer 2016. Every year, the student associations put forward their choices for the best lecturer from their degree programme and faculty. From these eight lecturers, a jury subsequently selects TU Delft’s Best Lecturer of the year. Judith Bosboom teaches Coastal Dynamics 1, an important subject but one that students find particularly complex and challenging, writes the jury. Despite the demanding subject matter, she is still able to successfully help more than 75% of her students through the course, achieving excellent results. To a large part, this is down to her constant drive to innovate and improve, using various teaching methods to reach her students.
Ancillary activities
2020-01-01 - 2027-01-01