Dr. I. (Ivan) Langella

Dr. I. (Ivan) Langella



  • Development and analysis of hydrogen and hydrogen-enriched fuels in lean premixed technology for gas turbines of aeronautical interest
  • Development of trapped-vortex concepts for ultra-compact combustion systems (EPSRC EP/T028084/1)
  • Compressor/combustor and combustor/turbine interface modelling and optimisation 
  • Flame stabilisation and modelling in swirled systems
  • Numerical modelling of flame extinctions and heat losses
  • Numerical modelling of multi-phase cooling flows under extreme heat loads and magnetic fields (EPSRC EP/R513088/1 and UK Atomic Energy)


Dr Langella's main interest is in the development of efficient, sustainable and low emission power generation systems for aviation, and the application of CFD methods for reacting and non-reacting flows in gas turbines and propulsion systems configurations. His expertise includes

  • Turbulent reacting & multi-phase flows
  • Lean premixed combustion technology for ultra-compact and ultra-low emissions systems
  • CFD & numerical modelling of turbulent reacting and non-reacting flows
  • Flame stabilisation and combustion instability analysis in premixed and partially-premixed combustion


  • 2020: Higher Education Academy Fellowship
  • 2018: Research Excellence 100
  • 2017: ARCHER UK case award
  • 2016: Robinson College non-stipendiary fellowship


Dr Ivan Langella is an Assistant Professor in Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft. He obtained his Master degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University Federico II of Naples, Italy, in 2011, and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Cambridge, UK, in 2016, after a research period spent at Yale University. Since then he has worked as a postdoctoral associate at the University of Cambridge until June 2018 on advanced combustion systems of aeronautical interests in collaboration with Rolls-Royce and DLR Germany. From June 2018 to April 2020 he has worked as Lecturer in Thermofluids science and Engineering at Loughborough University, UK, before joining the research group in Delft.
Dr Ivan Langella has been a non-stipendiary fellow of the Robinson College in Cambridge from 2016 to 2018 and a member of the Rolls-Royce UTC in Combustion System and Aerothermal Processes from 2012 to 2020. He is currently a member of the Combustion Institute, the American Society of Mechanical Engineering, the Dutch Association for Flame Research (NVV), and a fellow of the Higher Education Academy .

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