Dr.ir. H. (Helma) Torkamaan

Dr.ir. H. (Helma) Torkamaan



Helma is an Assistant Professor in AI for Health Systems in the Systems Engineering section of the Department of Multi-Actor Systems. She pursued her PhD, working on the application of recommender systems in the health domain, in the Interactive Systems group at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Before that, she obtained her master's degree in computer science from the University of Bonn and gained experience in the industry.


A substantial portion of Helma's recent background has involved researching in the area of mobile health, health recommender systems, and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). She builds systems and solutions using a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to technology design that involves tools, techniques, resources, and perspectives from computer science, psychology, business, and health care. This process considers both multistakeholder and end-user needs, satisfaction, and emotional experiences.

Helma's research has aimed at: Building solutions for challenges inherent in the complex nature of health systems; Developing the future of technology-enhanced mental and physical well-being; Designing human-centered personalized interactive systems for empowering users and improving various areas, such as health, affect, behavior change, and joyful task completion; Creating technologies and tools that support better understanding, modeling, and prediction of human behavior and needs; and Evaluating these AI-driven solutions responsibly and properly considering their long-term individual, mental, environmental, and societal challenges and impacts.

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