Dr.ir. H. Polinder

Dr.ir. H. Polinder



Henk Polinder holds a PhD (1998) in electrical engineering from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Since 1996, he has been an assistant or associate professor at Delft University of Technology. He worked part-time at Lagerwey (1998/99), at Philips (2001) and at ABB Corporate Research (2008). He was a visiting scholar at the universities of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (2002), Quebec (2004), Edinburgh (2006) and Itajuba (2014).


Until 2017, he mainly worked on electrical machines and drives for renewable energy applications, such as drive trains for wind turbines and power take off systems for ocean wave and tidal energy conversion. Since 2017, he has mainly been working on sustainable drive and energy systems for maritime applications. He is (co)author of over 300 papers: http://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=l37Cb6gAAAAJ&hl=en

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