H.A. (Hossam) Aly PhD

H.A. (Hossam) Aly PhD


My research focuses on studying dust evolution in proto-planetary discs and how this informs our theories of planet formation, particularly disc instabilities that can promote dust structures and density enhancements leading to increased dust particle growth and planetesimal formation. Proto-planetary discs are often affected by their environments, such as companion stars or stellar fly-bys, causing discs to be perturbed and/or warped. My previous research on warped disc evolution has led to the theoretical prediction of disc polar alignment around binary stars, and the formation of dust structures caused by dust traffic jams due to the different response of gas and dust to the precession-inducing gravitational torque exerted by an inner binary. I also have a keen interest in computational astrophysics and the different numerical schemes used to faithfully model discs in these complex and evolving environments.

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