Dr.ir. G.V. Vdovine

Dr.ir. G.V. Vdovine



Dr. Gleb Vdovin received his  masters degree in Optical Engineering  in 1986 from the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (USSR), and his PhD in 1996 from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, with thesis  "Adaptive mirror micromachined in silicon".  In 1997 he received Rudolph Kingslake Medal and Prize form SPIE.  Gleb worked for TU Delft as a postdoc, assistant (2000) and associate (2003) professor, till 2010. 
He is a founder of  OKO Technologies http://okotech.com, a company that develops and produces   adaptive optical components and systems since 1997.
Since 2014 he is a part-time professor at Delft Centeer of Systems and Control at the Faculty 3ME of   TU Delft, chairing  Integral Design of High Resolution Optical Systems.

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