Dr.ir. G. (Geertje) Slingerland

Dr.ir. G. (Geertje) Slingerland


My research is all about developing and studying participatory and co-design methods in the urban context. My mission is to increase awareness of which groups are excluded in current participation processes and which methods we should use to involve residents who are often overlooked. I strongly believe this is necessary to address the major challenges of our time (climate change, polarization, big tech) in a way that is fair to all and benefits all groups.

Research interests

My research interests are:

  • Participatory design
  • Community-driven research
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Citizen participation
  • Urban studies
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Academic background

With a background in Interaction Design, Geertje likes to investigate how design can contribute to positive behavioral change in people, and ultimately systemic change in society. Her expertise includes co-design, participatory design, urban communities, qualitative research, research-through-design, citizen empowerment and engagement. Her research focuses on the smart and social city and includes co-design with citizens, digital technology and placemaking. Geertje always uses a participatory approach in her research and therefore works as much as possible with residents and local organizations from the context. She investigates playful, creative and digital approaches to involve different types of residents in the (major) challenges of their neighborhood and city. 

Geertje obtained her PhD entitled 'Together we make places: Designing connections in urban spaces' at the Technology, Policy and Management Faculty of TU Delft. She worked at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences as a senior researcher, before rejoining TU Delft as assistant professor of Urban Studies. 

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