Dr. F. (Francesco) Fioranelli

Dr. F. (Francesco) Fioranelli



The multiple aspects of developing, testing and using bistatic and multistatic radar systems.

  • Human micro-Doppler signatures for security and healthcare applications (gait recognition, activity identification, gesture recognition, vital signs)
  • UAVs and drones detection and classification
  • Machine learning algorithms for radar target classification
  • Through-wall radar imaging
  • Wind farm clutter characterization and mitigation
  • Maritime targets and sea clutter characterization
  • Multipurpose and diverse waveforms for radar and communication purposes

More information on my research available on ReserachGate (ORCID ID 0000-0001-8254-8093) and Google Scholar.


I graduated in Telecomm Engineering (summa cum laude) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy for my Bachelor (2007) and Master (2010). I received my PhD on through-wall radar imaging at Durham University, UK in January 2014 under the supervision of Prof Sana Salous, and worked as a Research Associate on multistatic radar with Prof Hugh Griffiths at University College London between February 2014 and March 2016.

I then joined the University of Glasgow in April 2016 as a Lecturer in the Glasgow College UESTC, between the University of Glasgow and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in Chengdu. In Glasgow I lead the radar research theme (5 PhD students, 2 PDRAs, about £550k of funding) in collaboration with Dr Julien Le Kernec, within the Communication, Sensing & Imaging (CSI) group led by Prof Muhammad Imran.

I joined TU Delft in November 2019 as a TT Assistant Professor, in the MS3 (Microwave Sensing Signals & Systems) section led by Prof Alexander Yarovoy within the Department of Microelectronics. I got my Tenure in November 2021. In Delft I lam daily supervisor of 6 PhD candidates funded by several industrial projects and an NWO grant (NWO-KLEIN RAD-ART).

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