Prof.dr. D. Brdanovic

Prof.dr. D. Brdanovic



Damir Brdanovic is Professor of Sanitary Engineering at IHE Delft (formerly UNESCO-IHE) Institute for Water Education and Endowed Professor at Delft University of Technology since 2009. Areas of his expertise include wastewater treatment and urban drainage, pro-poor and emergency sanitation, and faecal sludge management. He is a pioneer in the practical application of models in wastewater treatment practice in developing countries. He invented the Shit Killer device for excreta management in emergencies, the award-winning eSOS Smart Toilet and associated software eSOS Monitor, with funding by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Prof. Brdanovic obtained so far major research and education grants of total value in excess to USD 25M. He has initiated the development and implementation of innovative didactic approaches and novel educational products (including e-learning) at IHE Delft. In 2015, together with the BMGF, he founded the Global Sanitation Learning Alliance and in 2017 Global Partnership of Laboratories for Faecal Sludge Analyses. Currently his chair group at IHE Delft consists of twelve staff members and 15 PhD students. In addition, in excess of 100 MSc students have graduated under his supervision so far. Prof. Brdanovic has a sound publication record including co-autorship of article in Science with Prof. van Loosdrecht, is co-initiator of the IWA Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, and is the initiator, author and editor of six books in the wastewater treatment and sanitation field. In 2015 he became an International Water Association Fellow. Until recently, Prof. Brdanovic was head of Environmental Engineering and Water Technology department of IHE Delft managing 35 staff. His affiliation with Prof. van Loosdrecht’s research group dates from 1994. 

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  • 2018-9-15

    Damir Brdjanovic (EBT) winnaar IWA publishing award

    Damir Brdjanovic is door de International Water Association Nominations Committee geselecteerd als winnaar van de 2018 IWA Publishing Award. Deze prijs is in het leven geroepen om belangrijke bijdragen aan IWA Publishing activiteiten te erkennen. Brdjanovic is de initiatiefnemer van 5 succesvolle boeken die zijn gepubliceerd door IWA Publishing en werkt aan een aantal andere initiatieven die momenteel in ontwikkeling zijn. De officiële uitreiking van de prijs vindt plaats tijdens het IWA Presidents' Dinner op 15-9-2018 en Tokio, Japan.