D. (Deepti) Adlakha PhD

D. (Deepti) Adlakha PhD


Dr. Adlakha is an Associate Professor and Delft Technology Fellow in the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. Dr. Adlakha is a Fulbright Scholar and an interdisciplinary scientist with a diverse educational background. She holds degrees in architecture, urban design, public health, and has extensive research experience within international contexts.

Dr. Adlakha’s research focuses on generating, translating, and scaling up evidence for reducing health inequities in vulnerable populations. This work includes investigating how the neighborhood environment impacts weight status, physical activity, and dietary behaviors across the lifespan. 

Dr. Adlakha is passionate about promoting access to nature in the daily experience of people of all ages and abilities through environmental design, action research, education, and dissemination of information. She collaborates with community partners and public health practitioners to help implement policy, systems, and environmental change around active living.

Dr. Adlakha has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and popular media, including TEDxBBCThe Conversation, and Scientific American.

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