A. (Angelo) Cervone PhD
A. (Angelo) Cervone PhD
Research Skills and Competence
- Space systems engineering
- Micro-propulsion for nano- and micro-satellites
- Analysis and trade-off of propulsion subsystems for Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions
- Chemical propulsion: monopropellant, bipropellant and hybrid engines for medium and low thrusts
- Green propellants for space rocket applications
- Cavitation, rotordynamics and flow instabilities in pumps and hydrofoils
- Turbopumps for liquid propulsion rockets
- Solid rocket motors
- Electric propulsion for space vehicles and interaction of plasma plumes with vehicle components
- Analog/digital signal acquisition, conditioning, filtering and postprocessing
- 2D and 3D technical drawing for design purposes
Academic Reputation
- Post-Doc Fellowship at Osaka University funded by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2006-2008)
- “Grant-in-Aid” research grant supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, for the project “Study on the Methods of Inducer Design to Avoid Cavitation Instabilities” (2006-2008)
- Project Manager of several ESA-funded projects on space propulsion and mission design (2002-)
- Reviewer of proposals and projects for the European Union FP7 and Horizon2020 programs (2011-)
- Reviewer of papers for the AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering and the Royal Aeronautical Society Journal (2008-)
- Member of the Space Propulsion Technical Committee of the International Astronautical Federation IAF (2012-)
- Session chair for the Space Propulsion Symposium in the International Astronautical Congress IAC (2013-)
- Session chair for the ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference (2011)
- Chairman and organizer of the workshop “Inducers: Present Issues and Future Orientation” during the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Meeting 2009
- Invited lectures on space rocket turbopump research at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, JAXA Kakuda Space Center, Aerojet, Pratt-Whitney Rocketdyne (2006-)
- Author or co-author of more than 30 articles in books and peer-reviewed journals and more than 90 papers presented at international conferences
Assistant Professor, Space Systems Engineering, TU Delft (present)
- Responsible for the micro-propulsion research activities at the chair;
- Primary responsible for the spacecraft parts of the 2nd-year "Propulsion and Power" and "Aerospace Design and Systems Engineering Elements II" courses;
- Responsible instructor for the "Spacecraft Technology" course of the Spaceflight minor;
- Principal tutor of Design Synthesis Exercise projects (typically once per year);
- Contributions to the 3rd-year "Systems Engineering & Aerospace Design" course (one lecture, exams, tutorials);
- Supervisor of projects for the "Test, Analysis and Simulation" course;
- Main responsible for the preparation of the spacecraft project assignment for the "System Design" course;
- Supervisor of MSc theses on topics related to aerospace propulsion;
- Successful completion of the 3TU University Teaching Qualification program, including courses on the development, delivery and assessment of teaching and active learning.
- Co-founder and main responsible of the company's Chemical Propulsion Laboratory;
- Responsible of more than 10 R&D projects on space propulsion and mission design (mainly ESA-funded);
- Part-time lecturer at University of Pisa for the courses "Rocket Propulsion", "Thermal Fluid Sciences", "Technology of Aeronautical Constructions", "Design of Aerospace Structures";
- Supervisor of PhD, MSc and BSc students on topics related to cavitation in space rocket turbopumps and green propellants for space rocket applications.
- Lectures and seminaries to University students (undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D.) on topics related to space rocket turbopumps, cavitation and flow instabilities;
- Experimental characterization of the dynamic characteristics of axial inducers (transfer matrix, flow instabilities, high-speed optical characterization of cavitation);
- Improvement of the design of the LE-7 engine liquid hydrogen inducer for reducing tip vortex cavitation and unstable phenomena.
MSc in Aerospace Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy (2000)
Advancing Design-To-Robotic-Production and -Assembly of Underground Habitats on Mars
H. Bier / A. Hidding / F. Veer / L. Peternel / R. Schmehl / A. Cervone / M. Verma
Composite structures with embedded fiber optic sensors
A smart propellant tank for future spacecraft applications
Ahmed E.S. Nosseir / Emanuele Alberto Slejko / Angelo Cervone / Claudio J. Oton / Fabrizio Di Pasquale -
Correction to: Advancing Design-To-Robotic-Production and -Assembly of Underground Habitats on Mars
H. Bier / A. Hidding / F. Veer / L. Peternel / R. Schmehl / A. Cervone / M. Verma
Development and experimental evaluation of surface enhancement methods for laser powder directed energy deposition microchannels
P.R. Gradl / A. Cervone / Piero Colonna
Dialogues on Architecture
Appeared in: Spool, Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Cyber-physical Architecture #4 / Interview p. 105-110
How Delft aerospace engineers guided Air Force into space
Appeared in: Delta
Formatievliegen op een paar druppels water
Appeared in: TU Delft
Grafeen als materiaal voor zonnezeilen
Appeared in: TU Delft
Rhizome: Development of an Autarkic Design-to-Robotic-Production and -Operation System for Building Off-Earth Rhizomatic Habitats
RB team of students and researchers in collaboration with partners from 3ME, CiTG, and AE at TUD have received a grant of 100K from ESA to further develop the Rhizome idea for habitats on Mars
Ancillary activities
2012-10-17 - 2026-11-17
Other services
2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31
Public administration, government, social security