A. (Astha) Bhatta MSc
A. (Astha) Bhatta MSc
I am a PhD candidate in the Policy Analysis section of the Technology, Policy, and Management faculty. I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Tribhuvan University and MSc in Urban Environmental Management from Wageningen University and Research. My PhD research is a part of the CASTOR project which is related to water and landscape management through nature-based solutions in Dutch sandy soil. My research 'Living Labs: Outcome mapping and learning' aims at understanding the role of living labs in policy and practice related to nature-based water and land management; and strengthening their learning to enhance their contribution to land and water management adaptation practice.
Characterizing nature-based living labs from their seeds in the past
Astha Bhatta / Heleen Vreugdenhil / Jill Slinger
Living labs for improved collaboration in river management
A. Bhatta / H.S.I. Vreugdenhil / J Slinger
Stakeholder-based decision support model for selection of alternative water sources-A path towards sustainable industrial future in Vietnam
A. Bhatta / Truong Minh Le / Koen Wetser / Katarzyna Kujawa-Roeleveld / Huub H.M. Rijnaarts
Ancillary activities
2022-02-15 - 2026-02-15