
10692 results

Kick-off DeMoS AI Lab

Kick-off DeMoS AI Lab

On November 30, 2022, we held an internal launch of the DeMoS AI Lab, where we discussed the plans for the next five years, crystalized the…

S.L. (Shannon) Spruit

Having studied social conflict in the energy domain for several years I saw PVE as an opportunity to involve citizens in decision-making…

50 years of IDE’s history published in She Ji

‘Innovating a Large Design Education Program at a University of Technology’, an article about the developments of fifty years of design…

Waltman’s Bookshop

Waltman’s Bookshop

In BK City’s street you can find Waltman’s Bookshop, the place to get model making materials, study books or drawing tools. The Bouwshop…

IDE’s own Lego Master, Bas Brederode, in TV show

Are you looking for a welcome distraction in this turbulent time? Bas Brederode, who studied Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft and…

L.S. (Lucas) Spierenburg

Lucas is a PhD candidate in the CiTy AI lab, and the Smart Public Transport lab. He completed his Master’s in Energy Management at the Swiss…

Two recent articles from the Engineering Thermodynamics group (3mE) on the thermodynamic and transport properties of hydrogen are selected as Editor’s choices in the Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

Two recent articles from the Engineering Thermodynamics group (3mE) on the thermodynamic and transport properties of hydrogen are selected as Editor’s choices in the Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

Effect of Water Content on Thermodynamic Properties of Compressed Hydrogen (more than 7000 articles reads since April 2021) This work shows…

Jose Martínez Castro is IDE’s 7500th graduate!

On Friday (1 October), IDE celebrated its 7500th graduate! It is a milestone that our faculty, staff and students alike, can be proud of.…

Ir. S.A.N. (Simon) van Diepen

Profile I am an Aerospace Engineer specialized in the field of earth observation from space. During my MSc thesis I worked at SRON Space…

Yilin Quan is IDE’s 8000th graduate!

Yilin Quan is IDE’s 8000th graduate!

Today marks a milestone moment at the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, as we celebrate our 8,000th graduate - Yilin…