
36043 results

Will we soon be able to fly sustainably?

Will we soon be able to fly sustainably?

Last month, a passenger plane flew from Amsterdam to Madrid for the first time, with a mix of ordinary and 500 litres of sustainable…

Fokko Mulder at Future Planet about Battolyser

Fokko Mulder at Future Planet about Battolyser

At the turn of the 20th Century, Thomas Edison invented a battery with the unusual quirk of producing hydrogen. Now, 120 years later, the…

Geeske Langejans in various media

Hunebednieuwscafe: De Prehistorie van werktuigen, lijm en materialen deel 1/3 / Deel 1 via Spotify / Deel 2 / Deel 3 / Deel 3 via Soundcloud…

Advanced intensive

Level CEF from B1 to B2. The level, depending on your particular results, will be equivalent to or slightly below that of the NT2-II State…

Advanced 1

Level CEF from B1 to B2-. Study workload Around 10 hours a week. Lessons The lessons take place two evenings a week. One lesson takes around…

Advanced 2

Level CEF from B2- to B2. Study workload Around 10 hours a week. Lessons The lessons take place two evenings a week. One lesson takes around…