
36406 results

Impact assessment of Project IDOLS*

Impact assessment of Project IDOLS*

How can the creative industry add value and collaborate with the public sector to solve complex societal challenges in The Netherlands?

Ir. S. (Sophie) de Roda Husman

Profile I am a PhD candidate at the department of Geoscience & Remote Sensing since January 2021. During my master at the same department, I…

Appreciating a flower’s texture, color, and shape leads to better drone landings

Appreciating a flower’s texture, color, and shape leads to better drone landings

You may have wondered how a honeybee has such perfect navigation skills.

Online Open Days March 2021

Online Open Days March 2021

March 12 and 13: Online Open Day for bachelor courses The Online Open Days for all our bachelor programs will be held on Friday 12 and…

DSM and TU Delft launch Lab

DSM and TU Delft launch Lab

Royal DSM and TU Delft today announce the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Lab for Biosciences (the Lab). This…

TU Delft staff holding on

A comparison between the staff wellbeing surveys carried out last June and December show that people are holding on. However, if you have…

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship for Joaquín Liaudat!

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship for Joaquín Liaudat!

Joaquín Liaudat, currently post-doctoral researcher in the section of Geo-Engineering, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie…



A healthy and comfortable indoor climate is essential for good health. Children and adults are more and more often staying inside. Designing…

“Co-creating the graduation journey” showcase

In anticipation of second intervention of the “Co-creating the graduation journey” project and the Graduation Community kick-off on 1 March,…

Simon Gröblacher appointed Full Professor

Simon Gröblacher appointed Full Professor

Het College van Bestuur van de TU Delft heeft besloten Simon Gröblacher (afdeling Quantum Nanoscience) te benoemen tot hoogleraar…