
36042 results

C.A. (Celma Almerinda) Niquice-Janeiro

Mathias Peirlinck in various media

Een wereld vol geheimen | Podcast: Afl 4: Mathias wil jouw hart kopieren?

The ombuds officer for students

If you disagree with how your complaint has been dealt with by the Central Complaints Desk, you can refer it to the ombudsman for students.…

2023 Professor of Excellence Award goes to Just Herder

2023 Professor of Excellence Award goes to Just Herder

The 2023 Professor of Excellence Award has been awarded to Just Herder, professor of Interactive Mechanisms and Mechatronics, for his…

Mechanical engineering students display their Precision Disc Thrower

Mechanical engineering students display their Precision Disc Thrower

Designing a precision disc thrower is an ambitious challenge. ‘A lot goes into this kind of mechanical design. It has to have sufficient…

Jilt Sietsma in various media

Zijn microstructuren de sleutel tot groener staal? - IO ( Bij ons in Delft is de wetenschappelijke piramide al lang…

Jeroen Pruijn in various media

Algemeen Dagblad: Druk op duikboot Titan was 400 keer groter dan boven water: ‘Als een auto die over een bierdopje rijdt’

Maria Santofimia Navarro in various media

Innovationsorgins: Zijn microstructuren de sleutel tot groener staal?

Review of the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Review of the Maritime Engineering Design Day

During the Design Day of the undergraduate Maritime Engineering program, all first-year students tested their self-designed ship model. The…