
36043 results

Joost de Winter in various media

Joost de Winter in various media

Joost de Winter: "The industry is increasingly seeing the importance of research in the field of robotics. Delft engineers lead robotics…

Harm Edens interviewt Paulien Herder over energie in The Green Quest (BNR Nieuwsradio)

Harm Edens interviewt Paulien Herder over energie in The Green Quest (BNR Nieuwsradio)

Luister naar dit interview dat Harm Edens had met Paulien Herder, in het kader van het programma The Green Quest van BNR Radio. (only in…

Burak Eral in various media

Burak Eral and his colleagues are developing a method that allows microparticles to be separated based on their shape.

Millions of euros to improve to improve the Rhine-Alpine freight corridor

Millions of euros to improve to improve the Rhine-Alpine freight corridor

Container ships that aren’t fully loaded, congested locks resulting in long waits for vessels, suboptimal navigation of ships on rivers and…

TU Delft works on reusable surgical masks with Reinier de Graaf and VSM

TU Delft works on reusable surgical masks with Reinier de Graaf and VSM

In the fight against the 'Corona shortage’ of face masks, John van den Dobbelsteen and Tim Horeman, researchers at the Department of…

Building small reactors for renewable electricity in chemical industry

Building small reactors for renewable electricity in chemical industry

The research consortium of the European Union-funded project ADREM (Adaptable Reactors for Resource- and Energy-Efficient Methane…

TU Delft Master’s students start initiative for developing ventilators

TU Delft Master’s students start initiative for developing ventilators

This week, under the leadership of Director of Studies for Technical Medicine Professor Jaap Harlaar, a group of Master’s students in…

Rudy Negenborn in various media

How can transport on the Rhine between Rotterdam / Antwerp and Basel be improved? That is the central question in the Novimove research…

New curriculum MSc Systems & Control 2020-2021

MSc students who already started in the MSc Systems & Control before September 1st, 2020 will follow the current curriculum. MSc students…

Lorenzo Botto in various media

Researchers develop first model to guide large-scale production of ultrathin graphene