The impact of regional design on spatial planning
What influence does spatial design have on spatial planning at a regional scale level and on decision-making at all scale levels? Based on…
‘Passive cooling is a matter of smart design’
Constructing energy neutral in warm areas is near impossible without the application of passive cooling. Use Chinese rural architecture as a…
Multifunctional territories in-between offer tremendous opportunities for sustainability
Areas around cities are often referred to negatively with the term 'urban sprawl'. But it is precisely in these territories in-between that…
Theory and practice of ‘space formation’ in modern architecture
TU Delft ventilator shipped to Guatemala
A low-tech ventilator, developed and built by the Project Inspiration team, has reached Guatemala where it will double the national stock of…
Dr. I. (Iuri) B.C.M. Rocha
Open menu Staff Profile I received my BSc (2010) and MSc (2013) from the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil). From 2014 to 2018 I worked as…
Spinoza Prize for Nynke Dekker
NWO has announced that TU Delft's Nynke Dekker has been awarded an NWO Spinoza Prize. The Spinoza and Stevin Prizes are the most prestigious…
Microorganisms work together to survive high temperatures
Delft researchers demonstrate that microorganisms can work together and help each other and their future generations survive and replicate…
Unmanned Growing Concepts!
Sign up for the Innovation prize 2020 and win 25k to work on your concept together with TU Delft AgTech Institute, professors and students…
JOIN PVE: PhD Position Participatory Value Evaluation of Health Policies - Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
Are you interested in researching a novel method for economic evaluation (PVE)? And are you curious about what the added value of this…