
36028 results

Education Spaces for online or hybrid education

SEVERAL FACULTIES | Education Spaces for Online or Hybrid Education TU Delft Details room: A Logitech MeetUp camera and microphone on a…

SEVERAL FACULTIES | Advanced Lecture Halls (4 Quadrant System)

SEVERAL FACULTIES | Advanced Lecture Halls (4 Quadrant System) TU Delft Details room: Projection of four video signals in combination of an…

PULSE | Breakout

PULSE | Breakout TU Delft Details room: Quite, intimate education space for discussion, reflection, presentations, workshops etc. Focus on…

PULSE | Square

PULSE | Square TU Delft Details room: Open space with large stairs to sit on for 50-80 people. Inspiring location for lunch lecturers,…

PULSE | Technology

PULSE | Technology TU Delft Details room: Instruction room for hybrid education. IN DEVELOPMENT Currently: LED-screens for each studentgroup…

UNLOCKING… Educators of TU Delft

UNLOCKING… Educators of TU Delft In answer to the question ‘How well do you really know your lecturers? What drives them? What is their…

Reminder: Project Campus no longer available as of next academic year

Reminder: Project Campus no longer available as of next academic year In November last year Projectcampus users were notificatied about the…

First teams selected for the Dream Hall

First teams selected for the Dream Hall Project March, Eco-Runner, Hyperloop and Solar Boat can celebrate. The four projects may continue as…

Challenge Based Education in Delft – Defining the Challenge

Challenge Based Education in Delft – Defining the Challenge 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education has started a webinar series on Challenge…

First teams selected for the Dream Hall

First teams selected for the Dream Hall Project March, Eco-Runner, Hyperloop and Solar Boat can celebrate. The four projects may continue as…