
36366 results

How to renovate apartment blocks in Chile

How to renovate apartment blocks in Chile

Although many people in Chile own apartments, far from everyone is able to maintain them. The result is serious deterioration and decay.…

Indonesian kampongs rising skywards with CNC-milled formwork

Indonesian kampongs rising skywards with CNC-milled formwork

In most cities around the world, the residents build their houses themselves, which as a consequence are often rickety. Nadia Remmerswaal…

Energy performance: we are the deciding factor

Energy performance: we are the deciding factor

In theory it is perfectly possible to create energy-neutral houses, but in practice the residents often throw a spanner in the works.…

Designing acoustically-effective façades

Designing acoustically-effective façades

The smooth and shiny façades on contemporary high-rise buildings certainly look sleek, but they are a significant factor in city noise…

New Department Chair of Hydraulic Engineering

New Department Chair of Hydraulic Engineering

Professor Stefan Aarninkhof is the new Department Chair of Hydraulic Engineering as of 1 March 2020. He takes over the activities of…

Strength of wooden pile foundations in Amsterdam

Strength of wooden pile foundations in Amsterdam

The municipality of Amsterdam and CEG have agreed to develop a method together to gain a better understanding of the structural state of the…

100% heritage for a more sustainable future

100% heritage for a more sustainable future

Heritage is important for our personal and collective experiences, also for future generations. It is not sustainable to only keep the…

IDE in the media – week 9

Dutch items: Nederlandse Unpluq is een stick die helpt met afleidingen op je telefoon – IO-alumnus Mathijs ter Kuile…

Mieke Kuschnerus in Delta about analyzing sandgrain

Mieke Kuschnerus in Delta about analyzing sandgrain

Mieke Kuschnerus was interviewed in Delta about analyzing grans of sand.

Bert Wouters and Stef Lhermitte in NRC about Pine Island Glacier

Bert Wouters and Stef Lhermitte in NRC about Pine Island Glacier

Bert Wouters and Stef Lhermitte were interviewed in NRC about Pine Island Glacier.