
36043 results

I. (Iris) Batterham

R.M. Cooke

NWO Open Technology funding to produce a versatile acid sustainably

NWO Open Technology funding to produce a versatile acid sustainably

The NWO has awarded over 5.3 million euros to six projects through the Open Technology Programme, including the research of Ludovic Jourdin…

Did someone fall down the stairs or were they pushed? NFI and TU Delft are working on a model for complex falls

Did someone fall down the stairs or were they pushed? NFI and TU Delft are working on a model for complex falls

Did a person fall or was he or she pushed? Cases where a deceased person lies at the bottom of the stairs are complex. To aid detection, the…

Victims of the war in Ukraine receive prosthetic hands designed by TU Delft

Victims of the war in Ukraine receive prosthetic hands designed by TU Delft

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the need for prosthetic hands has increased sharply. TU Delft researcher Gerwin Smit has designed a…

‘Do you also make money as a professor?"

‘Do you also make money as a professor?"

During ‘Meet the Professor’, four 3mE professors visited several Delft primary schools. They gave fifth and sixth grade pupils guest lessons…