
36032 results

New TU Delft cavitation tunnel should enhance vessel efficiency and reduce disturbance

New TU Delft cavitation tunnel should enhance vessel efficiency and reduce disturbance

This week the new cavitation tunnel will be opened at TU Delft. The research in this facility, officially called the Multi Phase Flow Tunnel…

From CO2 to plastics and laptops

From CO2 to plastics and laptops

CO2 conversion by means of electrocatalysis is where renewable energy meets renewable feedstocks meets CO2 emission reduction.

Gabriel Weymouth appointed professor of Ship Hydromechanics

Gabriel Weymouth appointed professor of Ship Hydromechanics

Gabriel Weymouth has been appointed Professor of Ship Hydromechanics at the department of Maritime and Transport Technology as of 1st of…

CO₂ removal from the atmosphere using sustainable energy

CO₂ removal from the atmosphere using sustainable energy

Er wordt hard gewerkt aan methodes om CO₂ af te vangen uit de atmosfeer, om op die manier klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. Naast bestaande…

ERC Grants for Daniel Tam and Javier Alonso-Mora

ERC Grants for Daniel Tam and Javier Alonso-Mora

Javier Alonso-Mora at the Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) has been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant, while…

Zwaartekracht funding for living cells consortium

Zwaartekracht funding for living cells consortium

The ministry of Education, Culture and Science has awarded a Zwaartekracht funding of 20.8 million euro to the IMAGINE! consortium, of which…

Gravitation funding for research on living cells and brain interactions

Gravitation funding for research on living cells and brain interactions

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is awarding a 142.7 million euro Gravitation grant to seven top consortia. Faculty 3mE…

Kamel Hooman appointed Professor of Heat Transformation Technology

Kamel Hooman appointed Professor of Heat Transformation Technology

Kamel Hooman has been appointed Professor of Heat Transformation Technology at the Process & Energy Department of the 3mE Faculty starting…

NWO XS Grants awarded to P&E research on Smart Membranes and Lithium Batteries

NWO XS Grants awarded to P&E research on Smart Membranes and Lithium Batteries

Two NWO-XS grants of up to € 50,000 have been awarded by the Dutch Research Council to Professor Thijs Vlugt and to Dr Hanieh Bazyar: Vlugt…

Smart motor in handlebars prevents bicycles from falling over

Smart motor in handlebars prevents bicycles from falling over

TU Delft and the bicycle manufacturer Koninklijke Gazelle have developed a prototype of a bike with smart steering assistance that may help…