Yasemin Turkyilmaz-van der Velden
Faculteit: Mechanical Engineering (ME) I work as the Data Stewardship Coordinator at TU Delft. Between 2018 and 2023, I worked as the Data…
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Stefan Aarninkhof has been dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences since 1… Steffen Nijhuis
Professor of Landscape-based Urbanism Department of Urbanism Sustainable urbanisation, climate adaptation and biodiversity require a design…
Frans Klijn in Het Parool over hoge rivierwaterstanden
Tot echt grote overstromingen kwam het de afgelopen dagen niet in Nederland, terwijl het al wekenlang regent. En rivieren zoals de Rijn…
Vision on Education
The faculty is proud of its history, of delivering large numbers of engineers for over 150 years who have a broad grounding in their subject…
Jansen, J.D.
Profile Jan Dirk's research domain is the use of systems and control theory for influencing and optimizing subsurface flow and mechanics.…
Fransje Hooimeijer
Rising sea levels, land subsidence, salinisation, flooding: the effects of climate change are already being felt, but they are also fraught…
Out now: the latest Pioneering Tech magazine
TU Delft Pioneering Tech is the leading online platform for disruptors & decision makers. Providing news, analysis and insights, we show…
Prof.dr. A.R. Pereira Roders
Professor of Heritage and Values - Department of Architectural Engineering + Technology Chair of department of Architectural Engineering +… P.E.L.J.C. Vermeulen
Professor of Architectural Design - Urban Architecture Department of Architecture Paul Vermeulen is Professor of Architectural Design.…