
36027 results

H.E.J.G. (Erik) Schlangen

M.G.H. Schoonderbeek



Shall we keep you informed? Events

Making study choices

Online study choice advice: book your appointment here Sign up here for a study choice workshop Making study choices There are many reasons…

Tips & links

Tips & links

You can feel tempted to commit fraud due to stress, lack of time or peer pressure. None of these constitute reasons to ‘stretch the rules’…

Tips & links

Tips & links

You can feel tempted to commit fraud due to stress, lack of time or peer pressure. None of these constitute reasons to ‘stretch the rules’…

Types of fraud

Types of fraud

The most common type of fraud is: pretending that something is your own work when it is not. But that is not the only type of fraud. The TU…

Academic and career counselling in the faculty

Academic counsellors are the first point of contact for all TU Delft students looking for assistance on study related issues or coaching and…