Water masses in motion
Dr. Riccardo Riva studies the effects of moving water masses. He specialises in the study of deformation of the earth through the…
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Support the Delft Global Scholarship Fund
Delft Global Scholarship Fund For many talented students in developing countries, it is often not feasible to study at a world-class…
Servaas Storm in The Guardian over Central banks raising interest rates makes it harder to fight the climate crisis
Higher interest rates slow the renewable energy transition and shield oil and gas producers from competition by low-carbon producers say…
Bert van Wee in Trouw over treinen naar België en Duitsland nu op reservering
In dit artikel over de nieuwe maatregelen van de NS om drukte in treinen tegen te gaan, spreekt hoogleraar Bert van Wee over de gevolgen op…
Kornelis Blok op NPO Radio1 over megabatterijen
Op het terrein van de oude aluminium-fabriek Aldel in Delfzijl pronkt over een poosje de grootste batterij voor de opslag van groene energie…
Rolf van Wegberg op EenVandaag over ontsleuteling van chatapps
Met versleutelde chatapps kunnen criminelen berichten naar elkaar sturen zonder dat iemand mee kan lezen. Via zo'n app zou de politie…
The EURASIP Journal on Information Security is delighted the announce the appointment of our new Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Zekeriya Erkin
Dr. Erkin previously served as an Associate Editor of JINS. He is an associate professor in the Cyber Security Group at Delft University of…
Automated Vehicles – How to Keep Humans in Control?
Self-driving vehicles that smoothly, quickly, and entirely autonomously drive us around – technically, we are almost there. However, before… J.W.F. Wamelink
Professor of Construction Management and Entrepreneurship Department of Management in the Built Environment How do you organise a…