
36033 results

Profile, facts and figures

Profile TU Delft's unique social position, as set out in 'Challenging the Future', means that our programmes are designed with the engineers…

Designing for personalised dementia care

Designing for personalised dementia care

Know-me: a toolkit for personalizing dementia care with a design consisting of a user manual and four tools, being a capability card set, a…

Estimating the safety factor of monsoon-affected urban drainage systems using fault tree analysis

By Florida Visser, supervised by Martine Rutten Many cities in South-East Asia increasingly face flooding problems that frequently inundate…

Designing e-health therapy for young people

Designing e-health therapy for young people

Using Personalized gamification, the Luca app enhances implementation of eHealth therapy in youth mental healthcare.

Designing a smart knee implant

Designing a smart knee implant

Reducing infections after knee prosthesis surgery by early detection.


Webinars Remote Teaching Meet & Eat Erasmus+ Exchange Week Journal Club Education Conversation Education Day 100 DAYS OF... Reflection…



In this PhD project we are interested in what stimulates young children to engage in physical play in hospital settings. The research, in…



KOOKID initiates a daily moment to connect for parents and their infants (1,5 up to 3 years old) by involving the child in the process of…

Designing the Connected Every Day

Designing the Connected Every Day

As objects around us begin to collect data and make suggestions about what might be desirable, it is possible that they may even be able to…

Prof. Ingrid Heyndrickx

Anya Hurlbert is Professor of Visual Neuroscience, Director of the Centre for Translational Systems Neuroscience and Dean of Advancement at…