
36317 results

Could oysters hold the pearl of wisdom for reef restoration?

Could oysters hold the pearl of wisdom for reef restoration?

A TU Delft Master’s project tries to make large-scale reef restoration possible with a pilot project to re-establish oysters in the North…

Helping designers give UX insights a longer life

Helping designers give UX insights a longer life

Once a designer is no longer actively involved in the development process, UX insights are often neglected, reducing the UX quality of the…

Information activities

Introduction to the CoSEM programme Follow and contact us instagram twitter youtube whatsapp Chat with CoSEM…

Dr. Zeki Erkin elected as vice-chair for IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee

Dr. Zeki Erkin elected as vice-chair for IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee

Dr. Zeki Erkin is elected as vice-chair for IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee as of January 1st, 2022. IEEE IFS TC…

Journal of Integrated Security Science established by TPM

The Safety and Security Science Group of the Faculty of TPM has established the Journal of Integrated Security Science (jiss), an open…

Importance of directing cybersecurity research in The Netherlands

Importance of directing cybersecurity research in The Netherlands

The Dutch cybersecurity platform for higher education and research (dcypher) was founded in April 2016, with the goal of setting and…

Paper presentation at ASIACCS 2018 marks the first success of TU Delft and SUTD collaboration on Cyber Security

Paper presentation at ASIACCS 2018 marks the first success of TU Delft and SUTD collaboration on Cyber Security

Qin Lin had the honour to present , in presence of SUTD professor Aditya Mathur, the paper “TABOR: A Graphical Model Based Approach for…

CyberSecurity@TUDelft special event on H2020/European Funding

On March 22 CyberSecurity@TUDelft organized a special event on H2020/European Funding. Fifteen researchers, representatives from industry…

The 11th edition of IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security took place at Science Center between December 9 and 12

The 11th edition of IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security took place at Science Center between December 9 and 12

TU Delft Cyber Security research exchange with NTU

With the support of the Justus & Louise van Effen Research Grant , Daan van der Valk will do a three-months research internship at the…