
35890 results

Marta Costa Figueiredo

Dr. Marta Costa Figueiredo | Eindhoven University of Technology Return to homepage Electrocatalytic synthesis of fertilizers Many industrial…

Housing consumer confidence increased again in second half 2023

Housing consumer confidence increased again in second half 2023

Confidence in the owner-occupied housing market among housing consumers has clearly increased over the past few months. Households appear to…

Bruker Dektak XT

Apparatus Dektak Supplier Bruker; Location P.00.351 (TU14 1/2) Function profilometer Main purpose Step height and roughness…


CHEME AI Lab Chemical Engineering & Medical Imaging AI Lab Integrating fundamental applied science understanding into technology has been a…


A strong TU Delft brand ensures that our communication is more recognisable and has a greater impact. On this corporate identity website,…

Hanna Post joined ImPhys as MSc student

Hanna Post joined ImPhys as MSc student

Hanna Post has joined the MARS lab for her Msc project. She will work on B1+ mapping and adiabatic pulses under supervision of Masa…


Research Partners Project Partners

Smart Microscopy

Artificial intelligence for optimization of Super-resolution imaging/ Smart Adaptive Microscopy/ Physics informed video segmentation What?…

eHealth Lab

eHealth, the use of ICT in healthcare, is increasingly becoming a societal and research-driven topic. eHealth projects typically have a…

Healthy by Design: How the places we inhabit determine our well-being

Healthy by Design: How the places we inhabit determine our well-being

Everywhere she looks, Associate Professor Dr Deepti Adlakha finds connections between urban design and health. She has spent her life not…