
36034 results

Intermediate intensive

Level CEF from A2 to B1. Study workload The study workload is around 40 hours a week. This course is extremely intensive. You can not affort…

TU Delft presents eight Best Graduates 2021

TU Delft presents eight Best Graduates 2021

Today, 29 October 2021, Delft University Fund announced the eight TU Delft Best Graduates 2021. Each year, TU Delft’s eight faculties…

TU Delft on board the world largest crane vessel for exploring future Offshore Wind Turbines

TU Delft on board the world largest crane vessel for exploring future Offshore Wind Turbines

How do you install a wind turbine far out at sea when high waves and strong winds make its installation virtually impossible? With this…

NWO Open Competition Grant for Sabina Caneva

NWO Open Competition Grant for Sabina Caneva

In her research project ‘MechanoPore’ Sabina Caneva works on the development of programmable, shape-shifting DNA origami nanovalves for…