
36019 results

Bert Wouters and Stef Lhermitte in NRC about Pine Island Glacier

Bert Wouters and Stef Lhermitte in NRC about Pine Island Glacier

Bert Wouters and Stef Lhermitte were interviewed in NRC about Pine Island Glacier.

IDE in the media – week 6

Dutch items: Valentijn Visch: TU Delft goed vertegenwoordigd binnen NWO-programma ‘Transities en gedrag’ – Link Magazine Delft blijft goed…

IDE in the media – week 11

Dutch items: Jeroen van Erp: 'Onafhankelijke dude' Ad van Berlo blijft Eindhoven eeuwig trouw – Het Financieele Dagblad (for subscribers)…

Our call for seedfunding is now open

Our call for seedfunding is now open

Our call for Seed Funding is now open! By supporting your activity, the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute aims to strengthen the position…

The Digital Human Capital Agenda of The Hague for ‘digital talent’

The City of The Hague and over twenty businesses and educational institutions will jointly educate, train and re-train thousands of people…

Servaas Storm in New York Times on corona

Servaas Storm in New York Times on corona

The lockdown of Italy's industrial heart because of the corona virus has heightened fears of disruption in the global supply chain. Italy's…

Minister sends action plan Hybrid Electric Flying to Parliament

Minister sends action plan Hybrid Electric Flying to Parliament

The plan provides insight into how the Netherlands can develop in the field of hybrid and electric flying.

Peter Speets joined ImPhys as PhD student

Peter Speets joined ImPhys as PhD student

Peter Speets will work on a method to measure the composition and particle size distribution of a turbid sample using optical coherence…

Light flows around corners unhindered

Light flows around corners unhindered

Researchers of AMOLF and TU Delft have seen light propagate in a special material without it suffering from reflections. The material, a…

New partner

Join as student - Join as partner Connecting to practice The resources for the Delta Futures Lab come from internal and external…