Webinars: CHARM
In the sight of the CHARM (Circular Housing Asset Renovation & Management) project, various webinars are being organised on 23 and 24…
Ir. Y. (Yan) Yuan
Profile I’m a PhD candidate at the Department of Geoscience & Remote Sensing under the supervision of Paco Lopez Dekker. I received my MSc…
Tina Comes in Horizon Magazine about segregation caused by Covid-19 pandemic

Tina Comes explains that segregation caused by the Covid19 pandemic can have serious implications.
Sector Plans Magazine: Fundament
Delft University of Technology is committed to having significant, if not leading, impact regarding some of the most prominent challenges…
Student wellbeing in this new semester
We’ve been living with corona for almost a year. While there is much that we have grown accustomed to, there is no question that this is a…
Inclusion and diversity at BK

Roberto Rocco has been appointed Diversity and Inclusion Officer for Bouwkunde with the goal to advise the dean and help shape faculty…
Ir. A.C.M. (Alessandro) Savazzi
Profile I am a PhD candidate since November 2021, I work on the CMTRACE project under the supervision of Louise Nuijens. I completed my BSc… R. (Raquel) Serrano Calvo
Profile Dr. ir. Raquel Serrano is a researcher in remote sensing of air pollution at the Atmospheric Science group of the Geoscience and…
Ben Wagner in TRT World about internet shutdowns

Door de lockdown lijken meer mensen bereid te zijn hun mouwen op te stropen voor de eigen buurt. Allerlei bijzondere initiatieven komen als…

Do you scream at your voice assistant? You are not the only one. Siri and Alexa can cause rude communication. Ethicist Olya Kudina (Delft…