
36020 results

Factors influencing the household water treatment adoption in the rural areas in developing countries

Factors influencing the household water treatment adoption in the rural areas in developing countries

Factors influencing the household water treatment adoption in the rural areas in developing countries Household water treatment (HWT), such…

Slow sand filtration 2.0: Towards efficient design, operation and maintenance

Slow sand filtration 2.0: Towards efficient design, operation and maintenance

Slow sand filtration 2.0: Towards efficient design, operation and maintenance Slow sand filtration (SSF) is one of the oldest and most…

RedOx controlled rapid sand filtration of groundwater

RedOx controlled rapid sand filtration of groundwater

RedOx controlled rapid sand filtration of groundwater Groundwater is the drinking water source for at least half of the world population.…


From 2006 until 2019, I worked as a full-time scientific group leader at the NWO Institute AMOLF in Amsterdam. During this period I have…

Talks and Seminars

TU Delft scores at Olympic Games for chip designers

TU Delft scores at Olympic Games for chip designers

De Olympische Spelen vormen een graadmeter voor de sportprestaties per land. Maar wat weinig mensen weten, is dat er in de wereld van…

Reactor Institute Delft re-appointed as official partner of International Atomic Energy Agency

Reactor Institute Delft re-appointed as official partner of International Atomic Energy Agency

The Reactor Institute Delft (RID), the nuclear research reactor at TU Delft, has been selected as a Collaborating Centre of the…

What if your photo made the front page?

What if your photo made the front page? WE LIKE SHARING photo competition – Enter your ‘open’ image for a chance of winning an Amazon…

Reminder: Project Campus no longer available as of next academic year

Reminder: Project Campus no longer available as of next academic year In November last year Projectcampus users were notificatied about the…

Where do we go from here? Thoughts on the future of education

Where do we go from here? Thoughts on the future of education The current pandemic reminded us of the importance of human interaction for…