
36425 results


The programme in MOT educate students as technology managers, analysts of technological markets (either as scientists or consultants), and…

Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook

Authored by Judith Bosboom and Marcel Stive ISBN (softback/paperback) 978-94-6366-370-0 ISBN (e-book) 978-94-6366-371-7 DOI…

The team

The team Directors Iuri Rocha Faculty of CEG Responsible lab director Hanne Kekkonen Faculty of EEMCS Responsible lab director PhD…

In the media & speeches

DIES 2024 TU Delft Speech rector magnificus DIES 2023 TU Delft Speech rector magnificus DIES 2021 TU Delft Speech Rector Magnificus BNR,…

Italian for Advanced Learners

Instructor Enrico Odelli, Study goals This course is a follow-up course for students who already completed the course…

BioMorphic Intelligence Lab

BioMorphic Intelligence Lab

BioMorphic Intelligence Lab - Biologically inspired solutions for aerial robotics

Professors Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering

Fulltime Prof. dr. ir. D.A. Abbink Human-Robot Interaction Prof. dr. R. Babuska Learning and Autonomous Control Prof. dr. ir. B.J. Boersma…


Fulltime Prof. dr. ir. D.A. Abbink Human-Robot Interaction Prof. dr. R. Babuska Learning and Autonomous Control Prof. dr. ir. B.J. Boersma…

Full Professors

Fulltime Prof. dr. ir. D.A. Abbink Human-Robot Interaction Prof. dr. R. Babuska Learning and Autonomous Control Prof. dr. ir. B.J. Boersma…


3DUU 3D Urban Understanding Through developments in 3D sensor technology, photogrammetry and computer vision, real-world urban scenes can…