
36108 results

Covilha | Day 0

Covilha | Day 0

Covilha | Day 0 | Virtual Tour Let's fly above Covilha! Before we kick-off our summerschool, the UBI team is showing us their beautiful city…

Three Vidi’s for faculty 3mE

Three Vidi’s for faculty 3mE

The Dutch Research Council has awarded 101 experienced researchers a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros. Eight Vidis go to top researchers from…

Programme Dashboard

MSc TIL Programme 2020-21 Quick overview v. 1 Programme Navigator 2020-21 10th anniversary! v.1.1 On-line programme Since March 2020.…

Delft students ready for international hyperloop competition

Delft students ready for international hyperloop competition

On 18 July Delft will host the 'European Hyperloop Week', the international hyperloop competition for student teams from around the…

The coming age of ‘solar everywhere’

The coming age of ‘solar everywhere’

From image recognition to medical diagnostics, Machine Learning has a huge impact. Yet Elvin Isufi adds an extra dimension, enabling its…

The Great Energy Debate

The Great Energy Debate

TU Delft - The Great Energy Debate 2019 - Highlights On the 18 th of November the TU Delft and Imperial College organized the Great Energy…

Delft | Day 1

Delft | Day 1

Delft | Day 1 On Monday 18th of July, the TU Delft students welcomed the UBI students over lunch. A welcome speech by Andy van den…

Delft | Day 1 | Posts

Delft | Day 1 | Posts

Delft | Day 1 | Posts Check out more photos from our first day! Aditionally, you can follow us in LinkedIn , Twitter , Instagram and…

Meet the Energy Leader: Rob Roggema

"A-void-ing the deadlock: make space for the future" By Rob Roggema, Professor of Sustainable Urban Environments School of Architecture,…

TU Delft student team ‘Lettus Design’ has won the Urban Greenhouse Challenge

TU Delft student team ‘Lettus Design’ has won the Urban Greenhouse Challenge

LettUs Design Team of TU Delft proposed a winning modular urban farming concept that can be tailored to the needs of a neighbourhood with…