
36044 results

Water quality modelling for the Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

by Gerard Pijcke download thesis Water quality modelling for Gardens by the Bay, Singapore The water quality of a 5 hectare lake system in…

Learning and Autonomous Control

Professors Prof. dr. R. (Robert) Babuska Group leader Learning and Autonomous Control Reinforcement learning, nonlinear control, data-driven…

Reducing the survival of pathogens in urban water by making optimal use of natural processes

by Carina van der Meer download thesis Introduction Pathogens are present in our urban water system, and may pose a health risk to swimmers…

Will the winner learn it all?

A study on the effectiveness of a serious game about water related issues in Vietnam By Désirée Gautier download thesis Vietnam these days…

Power and domination

Students: Silvio Pennesi Title: Power and domination: An open eye on the 21st century’s urban conflicts in Central Bogotà Semester: 2017…

Giulia Spagnolo

Image: Reversed Territory Designing with Tourism Designing with Tourism is a project about territorial strategy, contextualized architecture…

Ancillary activities professors

The table below shows an actual overview with reference date December 1, 2024 of the ancillary activities of professors (regular, guest and…


Professors Prof. dr. ir. M. (Martijn) Wisse (interim) Chair of the department Group leader Robot Dynamics Biorobotics Prof. dr. ir. D.A.…

Critical Mass | Samenleven

Critical Mass | Samenleven

Critical Mass | Samenleven 09 December 2024 20:30 till 22:00 | Add to my calendar Register This event is in Dutch. Er is woningnood,…

Co-operative Commons

Students: Yoana Yordanova, Valentina Bencic Title: (IN)Tangible memory of the centre of Bogota: Co-operative Commons Semester: 2016 Autumn…