
36043 results

Sarvesh Kolekar in various media

Self-driving cars can already do quite a bit, but driving as a human being requires something that algorithms cannot do very well: being…

Bart van Trigt at TU Delft TV: Prevention versus performance

Bart van Trigt at TU Delft TV: Prevention versus performance

How to get the most realistic data from an athlete in action? Take it to the field!

Geeske Langejans in BBC World

What makes things sticky?

Scientists design ventilator made of standard parts

Scientists design ventilator made of standard parts

Amir Zadpoor and a team of scientists from the BioMechanical Engineering department are testing the first prototypes of a ventilator that…

NWO LIFT grant for Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral

NWO LIFT grant for Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral

NWO has awarded researchers Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral from the Department of Process & Energy a LIFT (Launchpad for Innovative…

OperationAIR student team creates working prototype for emergency ventilator

OperationAIR student team creates working prototype for emergency ventilator

In just three weeks’ time, TU Delft students from the OperationAIR initiative have developed a working prototype for an emergency ventilator…

ERC Advanced Grant for research on impulsive flows

ERC Advanced Grant for research on impulsive flows

Jerry Westerweel, professor of fluid mechanics at the Department of Process and Energy has received an ERC Advanced Grant for his research…

TU Delft is working on a simple tool to measure oxygen saturation in COVID patients

TU Delft is working on a simple tool to measure oxygen saturation in COVID patients

Arjo Loeve and his research colleagues at TU Delft’s Department of BioMechanical Engineering are working with the Jeroen Bosch Hospital and…

Installation for testing face-mask safety

Installation for testing face-mask safety

Researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime & Materials Engineering (3mE) are sharing the installation for testing face masks in a…

Jaap Harlaar in various media

TU Delft Master's students of Technical Medicine, under the supervision of Prof. Jaap Harlaar, want to develop a simple and relatively…