
36611 results

ir. J. Rang

Picture taken after the defence of ir. Jugo Rang on October 24, 2023.

Transferring to a Masters programme after a BSc Aerospace Engineering – TU Delft

If you have a Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering from TU Delft, you have many options for continuing your education with a Master's…

Career Opportunities Aerospace Engineering – TU Delft

With a degree in Aerospace Engineering, you can work in a variety of positions. From developing efficient logistics programmes for…

BioMorphic Interacting Drones and their Applications in Agriculture

BioMorphic Interacting Drones and their Applications in Agriculture

On Friday 8 July, Italian National Day, Salua Hamaza, co-director of the BioMorphic Intelligence Lab at TU Delft presented her vision on…

Upcoming MSc course: BioMorphic Intelligence for Interacting Drones

Upcoming MSc course: BioMorphic Intelligence for Interacting Drones

We are busy developing the new MSc course ‘BioMorphic Intelligence for Interacting Drones’, which is expected to start in 2023. This course…

BioMorphic Intelligence Lab @ IROS 2022 in Kyoto

BioMorphic Intelligence Lab @ IROS 2022 in Kyoto

Salua and her team at the MAVLab and the Biomorphic Intelligence Lab were present at this years edition of IROS in Kyoto, Japan. In total…

An Integrated Framework for Autonomous Sensor Placement With Aerial Robots

An Integrated Framework for Autonomous Sensor Placement With Aerial Robots

We’re happy to announce that this last months the BioMorphic Intelligence Lab was involved in a new publication in the journal of IEEE…

Ensuring that humans don’t become a machine's moral crumple zone

Ensuring that humans don’t become a machine's moral crumple zone

How do we design AI systems so that humans retain enough control? Years of work by Delft researchers and international colleagues have…

Tenure Track vacancies

Open applications Although we are not actively recruiting at the moment, we are always interested in new talent. Open applications are…

Computers & WiFi

Computers & Wifi Monitors in the Glass Hall In the Glass Hall, most study places are equipped with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. This is…