
35947 results

Zhuo-ming Shia: A design process for socially responsible global housing

Zhuo-ming Shia: A design process for socially responsible global housing

When there is a global housing shortage, you do not go about creating one new dwelling at a time. Especially when there is a dire need for…

Breaking down barriers to open science step by step

Breaking down barriers to open science step by step

The call for transparency is growing both from within and outside the scientific community. Yet public sharing of research data is not yet…

Taking the piss? (or turning it into energy)

Taking the piss? (or turning it into energy)

Pee not only generates uncontrollable laughter in five-year-olds but energy as well. Niels van Linden is currently working on a concept to…

Design for a better world

Design for a better world

Professor Paul Hekkert sees a fundamental shift taking place in the work of designers. Whereas product experience used to be central, the…

Esra Zorer

Esra Zorer

Esra Zorer is a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft.


Networks Dutch AI Coalition The Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC) aims to stimulate, support and where necessary organize the Dutch activities in…

DIFFER develops research facility for energy transition

DIFFER develops research facility for energy transition

A Dutch consortium, led by national energy research institute DIFFER, will receive 4.7 million euros from NWO to build a facility that makes…

Winners edX Prize 2022

Winners edX Prize 2022

Winners edX Prize 2022 For the third time, TU Delft wins this international accolade for exceptional contributions to online teaching and…

PATO Foundation honoured as remarkable sponsor of Lifelong Learning

PATO Foundation honoured as remarkable sponsor of Lifelong Learning

PATO Foundation honoured as remarkable sponsor of Lifelong Learning In a recent celebratory event, TU Delft acknowledged the great impact…

Arno Smets named Educator of the Year

Arno Smets named Educator of the Year

Arno Smets named Educator of the Year Professor Arno Smets from the Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science (EEMCS)…