
36041 results

Yongxiang Yang in various media

NH nieuws: FNV-plan voor 'schoon' Tata-staal in 2030 is volgens wetenschappers 'zeer onrealistisch' (Dutch) Financieel Dagblad: Eerder staal…

Maarten van der Elst in various media

Maarten van der Elst, trauma surgeon at Reinier de Graaf and professor of safety at TU Delft, works daily with staplers and points out that…

Javier Alonso-Mora in various media

TaxiPro: Stukje lopen maakt deeltaxi efficiënter (Dutch) Emerce: Een stukje lopen maakt ‘ridesharing’ veel efficiënter (Dutch)

Ivan Buijnsters in various media

Delftse Post: Waterzuivering met diamanten (Dutch) Nieuwsbite: Waterzuivering met diamanten (Dutch)

More efficient conversion of heat into electricity by tinkering with nanostructure

More efficient conversion of heat into electricity by tinkering with nanostructure

Researchers TU Delft have not only been able to explain how nano-structures in thermoelectric materials can improve energy efficiency but…

Four Veni grants for faculty 3mE

Four Veni grants for faculty 3mE

This week the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to twelve TU Delft scientists. The grant…

RELEASE for Reversible Large-scale Energy Storage research is now up and running!

RELEASE for Reversible Large-scale Energy Storage research is now up and running!

On October 22, the RELEASE (Reversible Large-scale Energy Storage) project held an online kick-off meeting with 74 attendees to announce its…

How a guest lecturer enhances education

How a guest lecturer enhances education

Many former students return to TU Delft later in their careers as guest lecturers. Anton Paardekooper graduated in Mechanical Engineering in…

Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing Program is the winner of HiTMaT 2020

The team, coordinated by Dr. Vera Popovich from MSE, TU Delft and in close collaboration with M2i, University of Twente, GKN Fokker and…

DIMI Stories: There’s still room on the water! by Prof. Rudy Negenborn

DIMI Stories: There’s still room on the water! by Prof. Rudy Negenborn

Freight transport by water is cheaper and uses less energy than by road. What’s more, there’s more room on the water than on our congested…