
36237 results


Scientific director DHPC Martin van Gijzen Relatiebeheerder DHPC Frans Broos…


Research Groups Strategic Partners

Thesis Boost Day

Could you use a boost for your thesis? Then sign up for the TU Delft Writing Centre's Thesis Boost Day! On this day you will work with other…


If you have any questions, you are advised to reach out to the Contact Group representative of your faculty first. Mail us at…

Online proefstuderen Applied Earth Sciences

Online proefstuderen Applied Earth Sciences 27 May 2024 09:00 till 14:00 | Add to my calendar This online introduction gives you an…

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

The faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft is one of the largest, most multifaceted scientific communities focusing on aerospace and…

Mark de Reuver appointed as full professor

Mark de Reuver appointed as full professor

We are pleased to announce that as of 27 February 2024, the Executive Board of Delft University of Technology has appointed Mark de Reuver…

Proficiency course

Whether you feel unsure about your English skills or you just want to brush up on your English knowledge because it has been a while since…

Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Awards 2023: Meet the Winners

Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Awards 2023: Meet the Winners

From a circular approach to transitional housing to balanced reuse of industrial heritages: at TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture and the…

Online Introduction to Applied Earth Sciences

This online introduction gives you an impression of the study programme of Applied Earth Sciences. You will be introduced to advanced…